Webinars vs. Zoom Meetings Part 2

The difference between a Zoom Webinar and a Zoom Meeting – Part 2

Show Notes: Episode 15 – This is part 2 of podcast about the differences between a Zoom webinar and a Zoom meeting. I share in this podcast details on how to host a webinar, going over Powerpoint, selecting the best times to host a live webinar or to publish a recorded webinar.  I talk about what you need to host your webinar.  What platform to use that is the easiest for most of my clients to learn. How to’s and step-by-step actions.  PLUS! With this episode, you can get FREE Bonus Downloads that has a Webinar Checklist and a sample script for the housekeeping rules for your attendees to know.


[Music intro]

The 8th Level Podcast is about being self-employed, entrepreneurship, and bootstrapping it. It’s also about unwinding and relaxing, and when we are not working in our business, to discover ways of connecting to our soul and self-care. My name is Lourdes, and I am the host of this podcast. Thanks for tuning in!

Hi, welcome back, and thanks for listening to today’s episode! I’m so grateful that you’re taking the time to join me in listening today.

In last week’s episode, I talked about the differences between a webinar and a Zoom meeting. And this is following up on that episode. If you have not listened to that episode, please listen to that one first! And then maybe this one will make more sense to you. I left off with somebody who has never hosted their own webinar before. So these are some steps that you can do to begin to host a webinar.

The first thing you’ll need is a topic. A topic that your audience would be interested in. So if you’re a financial advisor for example, a topic might be retirement, or how to save for your children’s college fund. That’s an interesting topic! So, think of a topic first.

The next thing is, to start creating your slides. Most people use PowerPoint slides. And that might be something that you wanna share on the webinar screen.

And then after that, you wanna think of a date. The registering for your event.

Then, after that, you wanna send e-mail reminders to your registration – or to your registration attendees. That way they won’t forget that date.

Then, you wanna market the event to your social media platforms.

And then after that, record your webinar if you are recording it, or you have a live date.

Now I know, it sounds like a lot. And it is, you have to really be prepared to have a webinar. And if you need any help with that, contact me at https://8thlevelpodcast.com, click on that contact link and send me some questions, and I’ll be happy to help!

Ok, so let’s think about why you should host a webinar. Well, instead of you going out to a restaurant for if you’re a financial advisor, I have been getting so many postcards in the mail from financial advisors to talk about retirements. So I know that costs a lot of money, they buy you dinner, you have to go there, the host has to go there, or the financial advisor has to go there, and y’know, there is a better way today. Especially with the pandemic. So now, how would you like to conduct a speaking event from the comfort of your home or office? As a business owner, you can attract new prospects to fill your pipeline by using your computer with an internet access, and just imagine attracting new prospects and getting more clients from everywhere online. It’s just so much more convenient! Imagine not having to travel to a venue to conduct a speaking event.

You can have your speaking event right from the comfort of your home or office. You also don’t need any expensive equipment! Most likely, you already have a desktop computer or a laptop. So the only investment you need is a microphone, a headset, and perhaps a webcam if your computer doesn’t already have a built-in webcam. You can also use the Airbuds that came with your smartphone, and you can plug it right in to your computer to use as your webinar microphone. However, I do recommend a professional headset, which sounds clearer, and you can buy a good brand for under $100. And I’ll put a couple down in the show notes of microphones and headphones.

Ok, another reason, low cost marketing. Who doesn’t like that, right? Sure! You’ll need to find a platform to conduct your webinars, but one of the popular one like I said is Zoom. To me, it’s one of the easiest to learn, and I’ve helped many business owners with their webinars using Zoom. And like I said, there is a difference between a Zoom meeting and a Zoom webinar.

Majority of my clients found Zoom webinar to be intuitive, and not much of a learning curve. Now, Zoom has a free account, and that is only for the meeting, and they limit you to 40 minutes with a free account. Now, in order for you to have a Zoom webinar, you will have to have a paid account. You can check out their website for the prices on that. The other platforms I recommend besides Zoom webinar, is LogMeIn GoTo Webinar, and WebinarJam. They’re pretty good, not too much of a learning curve either.

Hmm, and it just came to my mind that Zoom webinar, I think they might have monthly paid subscription, or an annual subscription. But if you plan to have a few webinars a year, perhaps the way to go is to pay for an annual membership for a webinar. I would think that’s the best way to save some money, and you can have as many webinars as you want for that whole year. Just imagine how many topics you can talk about without any type of extra payment because you paid for the whole year. And then you can also create some evergreen webinars, and I’ll talk about that in just a second.

Alright, so let’s pretend you are a business owner that specializes in wellness. And so, you wanna talk about that topic and talk about a sense of having peace. Talk about healthy diets, any coaching plans. Depending on your topic, you can create it into an “evergreen topic.” An evergreen topic means you’re talking about a topic that can last for a few years. And you can have your webinar running over and over again after you record it. You can add this recording to your website or use it as a lead magnet to have new prospects opt-in through your website. The only thing you would have to be aware of having an evergreen webinar, is if something changes in your industry since it runs for a long time, called forever. Then, you’ll need to create a new webinar or edit the one you just used as an evergreen and make it more updated.

And moving on, now let’s go to decide on a date for your webinar. So you wanna broadcast your webinar typically during the weekday, cause most people just wanna stay home on the weekends and not really have to work. Unless you like to do that and listen to webinar, but most people and most business owners I’ve helped have their webinars during the weekday. You wanna consider your target audience’s time. Do they work during the day, and can they only attend in the evenings? So you might wanna have it in the evenings.

If it’s a financial advisor, sometimes they do it in the evenings. Then decide if you want them to register anyways, so if they cannot attend the live webinar from the time that you selected, they can still get a recording of the webinar, and this is an option that you can add in. Is if an attendee cannot attend at that time, but they registered for your webinar, do you wanna provide them a recording? Once you make those decisions, you’ll probably want to start marketing the event. You wanna give yourself ample time to post it to your list, to your social media profiles, and make sure you include the registration link.

Alright, moving on. After that, you wanna have your slides. So you can use KeyNote, which is for Apple or Mac users, or PowerPoint and create your slides. Create some slides that have easy to read content, maybe no more than five bullet points. And please, do not read your bulleted points word for word. People can read it for themselves. You should only be doing the speaking, and then going into the details about each of those bulleted points.

Alright, then after that, you wanna have your event in Zoom, so you have the title of your event, you selected the date, the time, whether there’s a password to enter the webinar or not, and then once you finish creating your event, copy that registration link information, which includes the link. Add this link to your e-mail blast, and your landing page, and your in your social media profile. The other thing I get asked a lot is “how long should my webinar be?” As best practice, your webinar should be no more than 45 minutes long. That should include time for your Q&A sessions if you have one.

And there you have it folks, that’s how you host a webinar, with all those preparations. Now I’ve been doing webinars for over 7 years. And I’ve moderated them, I’ve created them, I’ve fully managed a webinar, I also build the webinars, send out all the links, and create all the digital strategies that go along with creating a successful webinar. So if you need help with that, please contact me, visit my website at https://8thlevelpodcast.com, click on the contact link and send me an e-mail, and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have!

And, join me next week when I have a guest who is going to talk about reprogramming our subconscious mind! Oh my gosh, that’s gonna be so exciting! And, please let me know what you think of this episode! Send me questions or comments or any suggestions! Until next time, bye!

[Music outro]

I hope that you enjoyed this podcast and please share this episode with your friends! Please subscribe, rate, and review this episode! And as always, the show notes will be available at https://8thlevelpodcast.com. Thanks for listening!


Click this link or the image above  to download the Webinar Checklist

About the Host

Lourdes McCombs is passionate about helping you take your unique skills into the online world, learn digital strategies, and scale.   She is a Business Mentor & Success Coach and helps men and women transfer their local business online to create a global impact and to attract more clients.  She is spiritual transformation coach that helps people make changes in their life without compromising their mission and their soul.

If you need clarity, or defining your life’s purpose, visit her business website:   click here for her website at: BlueLarimarCoach.com


Or  schedule a 30-minute complimentary meeting to get to know her, ask questions about business development and kickstart your business ventures  here.


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