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What does a Medical Intuitive Do? Episode 86

Episode # 86

Show Notes:

Betty Ann Dean, R.N., B.S.N., has worked in various settings as a registered nurse. In 2008 she began to explore energy medicine.

Betty Ann began to explore her fascination with medical intuition and the mind-body connection to healing. She feels that the deepest healing is achieved when all aspects are considered–body, mind and spirit.


Her practice, Vibrant Bodyworks, is located in Liberty, MO, and Parkville, MO.




Today, welcome back! In this episode, my guest today is Betty Ann Dean. Betty Ann has worked in various settings as a registered nurse. In 2008, she began to explore energy medicine as taught by Donna Eden as a way of healing the body. In addition to traditional medicine, she is certified as a practitioner of Bowen work, a hands-on healing therapy, and brings a rich background of corrective exercise to her healing modalities, a result of her 10 years of experience as a personal trainer.


In 2020, Betty Ann began to explore her fascination with medical intuition and the mind-body connection to healing. She feels that the deepest healing is achieved when all aspects are considered: body, mind, and spirit. She is certified at the master’s level in medical intuition through the work of her teacher Tina Zion and continues to mentor extensively with Tina.

Betty Ann, welcome! It’s been a while since I talked to you last. How have you been?

“Yes, great, thank you. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it.”

“So, what is a medical intuitive?”

“A medical intuitive is someone who can perceive inside the physical body to see just what’s going on. We do this in different ways, but emotions, thoughts, relationships, and energy exchanged with others have an effect on our physical body. A medical intuitive can go in and look at struggles you might be having in your physical body and see how that relates to what’s going on in your life. It’s deeply healing because you’re getting after the cause of what’s happening to you physically.”

“How did you get into this, especially coming from a background as a registered nurse?”

“It took me a while. I had worked in various ways as a nurse and unexpectedly had a career in fitness. I got interested in energy work during that time. Initially, I was fascinated but also afraid of medical intuitives. However, it kept coming up, and I eventually took a course. Since then, I’ve taken a deep dive into it, and I love what I do.”

“As you were exploring the medical intuitive part, did you yourself get a reading from a medical intuitive?”

“Yes, mostly as practice during the course. We can learn to do this work for ourselves, looking into our own physical body to see what’s going on.”

“So, take me through a session. What happens in a first session with a new client?”

“In a first session, I ask people not to tell me anything about what’s going on with them. I work with my divine and sacred guides, tuning into what pops into my mind. I focus on a specific area drawn to me, describing what I see in the energy and the physical body. I can’t give a diagnosis, but I describe what I observe. I also encourage clients to ask about what’s on their minds, and we go from there.”

“And once you recognize a different energy in a certain part of the body, what do you do at that point?”

“I check in with my guides again. I ask specific questions to understand when it started for the client. I see a lot of images and share them with the client. There’s no interpretation; it’s about providing information. Then, we explore healing techniques, like soul retrieval or asking my guides about specific actions the client can take.”

“During a session, do clients receive healing at that moment?”

“Yes, there are techniques, like soul retrieval, or using color and vibration in the body. Healing is a process, and it can take time, but it means a positive change in relationships, thoughts, or physical health.”

“How does healing happen, and when do clients start to feel a difference?”

“Healing is a process that can involve changes in relationships, thoughts, or physical health. It varies for each client, and their willingness to take action and do homework matters. I always want clients to feel hopeful and encouraged.”

“Who is your ideal client?”

“I love working with clients who are motivated to make positive changes, curious, and interested in improving their health. I see it as a blend of Western and alternative medicine. I want clients who are open to exploring all sides of a situation and taking action.”

“Do you offer your services online?”

“Yes, I do a lot of work on Zoom, as energy isn’t constrained by location. I’ve had international clients, but working in person is great too.”

“What are you working on currently, and do you have any specials?”

“I’d like to start speaking or teaching classes in 2024, expanding my presence at metaphysical fairs. I want to empower people to help themselves and realize their power to heal.”

“Now, for a fun question: What mythical creature do you wish actually existed?”

“Unicorns, definitely. They’re magical, full of light, and have beautiful colors.”

“How do people find you?”

“My website is vibrantbodyworks.com, where you can find information about my services and contact me. I work in an office in Liberty once a week and from my house the rest of the time.”

“Thank you, Betty Ann, for sharing about your fascinating work as a medical intuitive. It’s been a pleasure having you on the podcast!”

“Thank you for having me. It’s such beautiful work, and I appreciate the chance to talk about it.”



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